How to Get Goodreads Reviews?

Category: Ideas
How to get Goodreads Reviews

Dear author, have you finished writing a book? Your publisher might have told you that the book will be listed on Goodreads very soon. And then what? Will you see reviews automatically? Well, if you are a bestselling author already, readers might be waiting for your book and they will review it once they read. However, if you are a debut author or an author without the fortune of fame, you might not see reviews on your book automatically. For that, you will have to reach the readers and encourage them to review your book on Goodreads. Well, do you have the time to do that? Do you have the time to promote your book? Most of the authors do not have the time to do promotions as they are mostly busy in writing. So, what’s the way out? How can you get reviews on your book listed on Goodreads? Can someone help? BookBoys PR is there to help you out. We will find the readers who will not only read your book but also offer their comments – the book reviews.

Do Goodreads book reviews matter?
Very much! The reviews on Goodreads are the mirror that the readers hold in front of the authors. Goodreads is not a platform that sells the book; it’s a platform that recommends the book and your book is likely to be recommended if it has unbiased, positive-negative mix, and objective as well as a few in-depth reviews. A book with 100 reviews will attract more readers than a book with 8-10 reviews; this is a common point to understand. So, the conclusion is – review counts on a book listed on Goodreads matters a lot.

Now, how to get Goodreads reviews?
As an author, you can directly approach the readers on Goodreads and ask them to review your book. However, why will someone bother to review your book? For that, you can offer the readers a free copy of your book to be reviewed. This encouragement might work at times. Nevertheless, as your reach on Goodreads might be narrow and you cannot spend so much of time reaching to the readers individually, you will be tired after a certain period of time. In this case, you can leave all the responsibilities on us – the BookBoys PR team. We will give your book the necessary exposure; we will find the right audience for your book; we will work our best to request the readers to leave a comment after they finish reading your book.

Are reviews that we get for your book ethical?
A very important question, if the same is arising in your mind too. Let us assure you that all our practices on BookBoys PR are purely ethical, legal and very well-executed. You will see the impact and reach of your book spreading more and more as we work on your book’s recognition on the internet. We have been working with the authors for a long time and we are a registered (according to the MCA Company Incorporation Guidelines) book and author promotion company. With us, you can be assured of the best practices for your benefits!

How can we start on this?
Not only on Goodreads, but we also provide a number of other services to ensure that the authors and their books get the due recognition and sales for the hard work that they have done in writing their books. You can get in touch with us to understand the various campaigns and promotional activities through which we can ensure the sales and the ranks of your book(s) increase. We are always proud of working with deserving authors and publishers!

Get in touch with BookBoys PR Team:
[email protected]
+91 7004831594
+91 9709949971 (Alok Mishra, founder & Chief of Strategy)

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